Jogging Beats
Jogging Beats is a web application I built to help create running playlists. It integrates with the Spotify API to allow a user to generate and edit playlists with songs all at the same tempo and add them to the user’s Spotify account.
Tech Used

Project Motivation
I love listening to music when I run. Listening to the right music really helps me hold a pace and run faster. If I just listen to a random playlist, the song’s tempos can change and negatively affect my running... I’ll be hitting my stride and a slower song will come on, messing up my pace.
I built this site using the Spotify API to allow a user to create workout playlists where all the songs are at the same tempo. The user can generate a playlist, switch out songs they do not like, then login to their Spotify to save the playlist.

Technical Challenges
Authentication and Authorization
I learned a lot about the different authorization flows and OAuth during this project. I used two different authorizations flows for this project: the Client Credentials Flow and the Implicit Grant flow. For the Client Credentials Flow, I used the Next API routes (serverless functions) to protect my app’s Spotify secret and obtain a Spotify API access token. This allows a user to utilize all the features of Jogging Beats, except saving playlists to their Spotify account, without logging in. The second flow, the Implicit Grant flow, allows the user to authorize Jogging Beats to save the playlists they generate to their personal Spotify account.
Styled Components and Custom CSS
This was the most vanilla CSS I had written for a project, and I learned a lot. I got a lot of practical experience with flexbox and grid, CSS variables, media queries, and vanilla styling. Styled components made it easy to apply styles to my React components; I particularly enjoyed the ability to target components’ styles without worrying about specificity.
I have been using Jogging Beats on my runs and find it great for finding new music to run to. I plan on continue improving this site to make it more useful for my future runs.